Call for Papers

The 7th International conference on Gender and Sexuality 2024

19th – 20th September 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand


Gender and Sexuality 2024 marks the 7th edition of the successful Gender and Sexuality conference series organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management. The annual Gender and Sexuality conferences were initiated in 2018, Gender and sexuality 2018, taking place in Bangkok, Thailand. Subsequent conferences, including Gender and Sexuality 2019, also in Bangkok, Thailand, while Gender and Sexuality 2020, Gender and Sexuality 2021, and Gender and Sexuality 2022 were conducted in Virtual mode . The 6th conference, Gender and Sexuality 2023, returned to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Throughout its history, Gender and Sexuality has consistently upheld high standards and made a positive impact in academia and the global community, garnering recognition for its exceptional quality.


Theme:From Policy to Practice: Seizing Opportunities to Advance Gender Equality, Sexual and Gender Diversity”

About the Conference

This conference theme focuses on moving beyond policy to implement meaningful change that supports full inclusion and participation of sexually and gender diverse populations in society. Despite policy progress in some part of the world, reluctance and resistance continues to impede opportunities to realize the goal of embracing diversity.

The conference aims examine the roots and manifestations of reluctance and resistance across different sectors and cultures. It will highlight successful strategies and best practices for overcoming barriers, seizing opportunities, and effecting positive change. The conference research and publications hope to explore how prejudice manifests interpersonally but also through more subtle exclusion and “diversity fatigue.”

Through showcasing promising interventions alongside systemic recommendations, we aim for the conference to produce solutions-focused dialogue and partnerships to meaningfully advance inclusion for gender and sexually diverse people globally. Our goal is seizing this opportunity to move from policies to practices that embrace diversity as a moral and pragmatic imperative.

Objectives of the Gender and Sexuality 2024

Build an Updated and Futuristic International Community

One of the main objectives of the Gender and sexuality 2024 is to continuously improve the standards of the international community of researchers, scholars, and activists by exposing them to the latest trends, developments, and challenges in the field while addressing the theme From Policy to Practice: Seizing Opportunities to Advance Gender Equality, Sexual and Gender Diversity”.

Develop Careers and Increase Opportunities

The Gender and Sexuality  2024 is meticulously crafted to enhance participants’ career development and amplify future opportunities. Esteemed professionals in the feild will lead the conference’s distinct components. Attendees can expect a dynamic blend of networking, insightful keynote speeches, engaging discussions, industry-academia exchanges, plenary sessions, and workshops, alongside top-tier publication prospects. Additionally, the Conference Committee has taken the initiative to offer a dedicated scholarship program for African-Asian researchers, providing over 30 partial scholarships to support their participation.

High-Quality Conference Standards and Publication Standards

 The conference is specially designed by the TIIKM Research and Development team together with a committee of experts and International Universities and networks with the guidance of the Academic Governing Body of TIIKM conferences. The Gender and Sexuality 2024 is under the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Conference general standards created to maximize Industry –academia – Policymakers’ collaborations. The conference consists of several special issues and High quality supported journals while Conference proceedings are published in Open Journal System (OJS) with Indexing and DOI.

Platform with Highest Networking Opportunities

 The 7th International conference on Gender and Sexuality 2024 has a wide range of networking opportunities to maximize participants’ international network. Conference networking dinners (optional), Academic partner’s discussions, panel discussions, Lunches and refreshments, Post-conference tours will be great opportunities for participants to get life-changing experiences. Moreover, the conference venue, Cape Town, South Africa is  renowned for its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and historical significance.

You are invited to submit your abstract to the 7th International  Conference on Gender and Sexuality ( Gender and Sexuality 2024) under the theme From Policy to Practice: Seizing Opportunities to Advance Gender Equality, Sexual and Gender Diversity”

Conference Tracks

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to,

Feminist studies on Gender and/or sexuality

Gender/Sexuality and Rights

Gender/Sexuality and Legal Systems

Gender/Sexuality, Power and Development

Civil Society and Gender/Sexuality Rights

Gender and Conflict, Violence, Security and Peace Building

Gender Relations

Religion and Gender/Sexuality

Persecution and Exclusion of Non-conforming People

Gender/Sexuality and Ageing

Gender/ Sexuality and Economy

Gender/Sexuality and Disability

Gender/ Sexuality in Art, Culture, Literature and Media Studies

Gender/Sexuality Education and Awareness

Male Body Image

Gender/Sexuality Discrimination

Gender based violence

Sexual orientation

Gender/Sexuality and Political participation

Socio-Cultural conditions that impinge on Gender/Sexuality

Sociology of Gender/Sexuality

Gender, Sexuality and Society

Gender/Sexuality and Health

Gender/Sexuality in the workplace

Gender/Sexuality and refugees/displaced people

Gender/Sexuality and Technology

Gender/Sexuality and Human Rights

Gender/Sexuality and Safety and justice

Allyship and Solidarity

Community Organizing and Activism

Send your Abstract

You are invited to send your abstract on or before  Limited Slots Available according to given the abstract guidelines. Different registration packages for the conference provide you so many benefits including food, a conference pack, an abstract book, eligibility to attend the technical sessions, career development workshops, publication opportunities etc. You can select different presentation modes according to your preference. Presentation awards are one of the key elements of the conference. The presenters of the conference will be evaluated by a special committee of academic experts during the conference and the best presenters will be awarded at the awards ceremony.

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